BLOG By Bill
An Old Fashion Love Song Came Down in Three Part Harmony
For the love of Christ overmasters us, the conclusion at which we have arrived being this—that One having died for all, His death was their death, (II Corinthians 5:14 Weymouth Bible). I quoted the Weymouth bible translation because of its use of the word “overmasters”. In Romans 6:14 Paul makes an emphatic statement that “The Sin” shall not be master over us because we are not under Law but under Grace.
When we live under law sin masters us but when we live by His grace His Love overmasters our sin nature. The Sin masters us whenever we believe God will love us when and if we merit His love. Whenever we believe that by means of our obedience to The Mosaic Law or The Ten Commandments, we have earned Gods love and acceptance; sin will master us. If maybe we don’t live by the “Ten Commandments” but live by our conscience “Sin” will still master us. Both methods (law or tree of the knowledge of good and evil) make in our minds Gods love to be objective. The first part of the lie that the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil introduced into the conscience of all mankind is that Gods love is objective. The second part is that we (all mankind) can do good in and of ourselves and qualify for God’s love and acceptance. These two lies make up what Romans 8:2 calls “the law or principle” of “the sin” and “the death”. “For the law of the Spirit of the life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of the sin and the death”. The law of the spirit of the life in Christ is not a judicial law it is actually a law of dynamics and likewise so is the law of the sin and the death. The “law of gravity” and the “law of aerodynamics” are both laws of dynamics. Like the “law of sin and death” the “law of gravity” can never be overcome by our human will, resolve or sincere commitment. The “law of aerodynamics” is also a higher dynamic law than the “law of gravity”. By way of comparison the “law of the spirit of the life of Christ” is also a higher law then the “law of sin and death”. This is great news this is awesome news hallelujah the Wright brothers can fly a plane and we no longer have to be slaves to “the sin”.
Where does resonating come in you might be asking. Well, I guarantee that just like me you have had the law of sin and death resonate in your conscience your whole life. Now you are asking how could I know the law of sin and death resonates in my mind. I know because of the following bible verses. “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death spread to all men, because all sinned.In fact, sin was in the world before the law, but sin is not charged to a person’s account when there is no law.Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who did not sin in the likeness of Adam’s transgression. He is a prototype of the Coming One”. (Romans 5:12-14) Verse twelve of Romans chapter five exactly says the singular sin entered into the world through one man (Adam) and the death got its entrance into all mankind through the singular sin of Adam. All mankind now has this resonating guilt (the death) that never goes away. It even says before the Mosaic Law the death resonated. Before the law death resonated and after the law (Moses) death resonated with amplification. A resonating guilt that is based on the lie that you can be like God without God. Paul calls this resonating guilt the “the law of the sin and the death” and all of us inherited “the death” from Adam and this death has reigned like a king over all mankind. The worst part of the law of the sin and the death is that it is based on a lie. This lie is so powerful we believe it originated within our own conscience and therefore we call it good guilt. Resonating deaths message is that you should try harder to be good like God and then you will earn His love and His acceptance. The truth is you were created in the image of God and your likeness comes from your dependence upon God your creator. Here is how The Apostle Paul debunks the lie that Gods love is objective. “But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!Much more then, since we have now been declared righteous by His blood, we will be saved through Him from wrath.For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, then how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by His life!And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have now received this reconciliation through Him” (Roman 5:8-11). Grace is The Holy Spirits power and ability and it is supplied to us apart from human effort. In other words, the grace of God is a gift and therefore the love of God is subjective. This is the truth that The Father Son and Spirit are resonating in your heart. The reason we know this is true comes from (Rom 5:8). I am now quoting Romans 5:8 in another translation
“But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. The word proves in the first translation and demonstrates in the second is the Greek word synistemi. (G4920 synistemi: to put together by way of comparison or presentation or to show or prove) Paul proves and demonstrates that God loved us at our worst not our best. When Gods unconditional love is demonstrated and it was at the cross and proven to you because you so didn’t earn it, you become convinced of it. The love of Christ constrains us because we are convinced that if one died for all than all died. The Greek word for constrains is G4912 synecho: to hold together, to resonate, to be hemmed in on all sides by His love. For the love of Christ controls (synehco) us, His love resonates within us, since we have concluded ( had it proven to the point that we are convinced) this, that Christ died for all; therefore all have died. (II Corinthians 5:14) and (Rom 5:8). This is the love song that resonates and demonstrates but never frustrates the grace of God in our lives.