If you like Joseph Prince you will love our podcast.
Answering the age old question Christians have been grappling with since Jesus died on the cross. Do we do our best to live by the Commandments in order to please God? Or rely on Grace or the power of God to live a righteous Christian life.
About Us

We are a podcast dedicated to answering the most fundamental question that Christians face. Do we as Christians live by our human potential and determination to live a worthy Christian life or do we rely on God’s grace. Our ministry is similar to theJoseph Prince ministry on a quantum level.

Are you passionate about setting people free from the legalism that binds them and keeps them in a state of being guilt ridden? Would you like to start a grace revolution? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We’ll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We’re excited to have you join the team!

Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn’t accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.

If you wish to donate us through mail then you can send your mail to below address:
516 59th St. West Palm Beach Florida 33407
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals of causing a worldwide Joseph Prince like reformation. Think about the healing of depression in men and women that relying on God’s blessing through prayer could bring about and the measure of purity they could achieve.
Biblical Grace

For over 25 years, Steven Lenart and Bill Waddell have been using the scriptures to clarify what true Biblical grace is at Guardians of Grace. Tullian Tchividijian, the grandson of Rev. Billy Graham, explains biblical grace saying, “Legalism says God will love us if we change. The Gospel says God will change us because He loves us.” When it comes to biblical grace, God will change our hearts and the hearts of others.
All who believe in Jesus Christ and acknowledge Him as their Lord and Savior are under the covenant of biblical grace. Many today get biblical grace and the law mixed up and hold some aspects of the law and some of biblical grace in their Christian life. We want to help others learn the power of biblical grace and how you can have power over sin through the abundance of biblical grace.
Some areas we discuss when it comes to the subject of biblical grace includes:
- What is biblical grace
- Understanding biblical grace
- Biblical grace and mercy
- Biblical grace vs. legalism
To learn more about biblical grace, tune into our podcast with Guardians of Grace.
God's Grace

It is important to not draw your own conclusions about God’s grace based on those who frequently abuse grace in Christianity. We work to study God’s grace through God’s Word for ourselves in order to understand what the original gospel of God’s grace truly is.
We are to be “strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus”. Some confuse God’s grace as a license to sin. We focus on God’s grace that teaches that believers in Christ are called to live holy, blameless and above reproach. Sin will always bring destructive consequences. However, God’s grace through Jesus Christ can set us free from the dominion of sin.
We will discuss:
- Law vs. God’s grace
- Christianity and grace
- What is God’s grace
- Bible teaching on God’s grace
Contact Guardians of Grace or listen to our podcast to learn more about God’s grace.
Grace in Christianity

God’s people are under grace. Therefore, grace in Christianity means that grace doesn’t just deal with the surface, but God’s grace goes deeper. Grace in Christianity should produce holiness. As believers who teach on grace in Christianity, we believe that we cannot become more righteous. However, we can become more sanctified by how we lives our lives.
True grace in Christianity always produces true holiness. Our podcast and teachings focus on the importance of learning more about grace in Christianity and how to live victorious over the power of sin.
Our podcast will discuss:
- Gospel of grace
- Growing in grace
- Difference between grace and mercy
- Understanding grace in Christianity
Curious about learning more about grace in Christianity? Listen to our podcast with Guardians of Grace.